- Lightweight composite construction
- High quality tangle-free guides
- Custom fit components to match the reels
- 12 models designed to fit BV-300 to BV-600
- One year warranty against material defects and craftsmanship
Accurate Fishing Products, originator of the Valiant reel, has expanded their product line to introduce the first line of Valiant rods.
Anglers often have questions about what rod to pair with their new Valiant reel. There is now a perfect match for each Valiant reel from size 300-600. Fishing rod technology has evolved drastically in the past decade, but until now, there have not been many good options for anglers seeking a lightweight, yet powerful rod to match the light weight and power of their Valiant reels.
The systematic approach of building the rods to match the reels was seamless and we believe we have a line of rods that is perfect for whatever type of hard-fighting saltwater gamefish you want to take on.
Model: BV-80M
Length: 8'
Line Rating: 40 - 50 Braid
Number of Guides: 11
Total Hand Length: 30.375
Foregrip: 11.75
Rear Grip: 13
Weight: 11.8oz
Manufacture: Accurate