
Blackhawk Super Break-N-Rake

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Specifically engineered for window entries, the Break -N- Rake™ has been involved in successful tactical operations in both the U.S. and abroad. The Break -N- Rake features a laser cut hook and serrated blade, both constructed of military-grade steel, and three raking fins constructed of carbon steel. The reinforced hook effectively removes curtains, blinds and other
obstructions, pulling them clear allowing for a safer entry. The three 12” fins on the 19.5 inch Break -N- Rake head are designed to clear glass and other debris left in the window frame. Secured to a 1.25 inch D-handle system for maximum pulling power, the fiberglass handle is electrically non-conductive to 100,000 volts AC. In addition to window entries, the Break -N- Rake is ideal for securing secondary breach locations or creating a tactical distraction.

  • Specifically engineered for window entries 
  • Head constructed of carbons steel 
  • Reinforced laser cut hook effectively removes curtains, blinds and other obstructions, 
  • Serrated blade aids in removing glass and window tines 
  • Three 12” raking fins designed to clear glass and other debris left in the window frame 
  • D-Handle system is electrically non-conductive to 100,000 volts AC