Save your hands, buy some gloves! ​Condor Shooter Gloves, making shooting better in multiple ways.

Save your hands, buy some gloves! ​Condor Shooter Gloves, making shooting better in multiple ways.

3rd Jul 2018


Tino Luciano of Swarm Airsoft wearing the Black Condor Shooter Gloves at Wasaga Beach Paintball Adventure.

Photo credits: Rybread Media

Gloves were never something I really needed to purchase, unless of course it was for warmth during the winter; but when I began playing Airsoft, I realized quickly that gloves were essential, not only for shooting comfort and appearance, but for extra protection from the BBs impact. While I have only tried a few different gloves and brands, my issues so far have been bulk, and an undesirable thinness that did not provide any protection against hits.

When I purchase gloves for this sport now, there are a few things I would consider:


Let's face it, if its not comfortable, everything will be uncomfortable. Comfort not only feels better, it helps with overall grip of your airsoft gun, and helps you stabilize your rifle or pistol with ease.


No one wants to feel their hand moving inside their glove, or to feel uwanted rubbing against fabric on the inside. With a tight fit, the glove moves with you.


If you're using a bulky glove during a game, you may find that your hand feels heavy, and you may not be able to properly feel the firearm when shooting. Finding a glove that is lightweight is a great way to minimize trigger finger interference, and provide that ability to feel the trigger when you pull--enjoyable airsoft sensations.


I look for a sleek and subtle glove that matches all my airsoft loadouts. I wanted to find a glove that went with everything, and the black, tan and green colours, can easily be paired with other items in this sport. I don't usually look for colourful items unless of course for a specific CQB loadouts.

The Condor Shooter Gloves have been my favourite glove purchase so far, and here's why.

Not only does the glove meet my standards for comfort, fit, and weight, its has added features such as the extra padding on the palms, provide me with additional grip and firearm stability, and the thumb sweat cloth, that comes in handy for those more intense battles. This Shooter Glove is more versatile than a typical glove in my opinion, and its appearance is very appealing, making it a great choice and great addition to your kit!

Check out our website for more information and to grab yours!

Condor Shooter Glove - Hero Outdoors


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