
Camel Pro 18 Spiral Gold Panning Machine

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The Pro-Camel 18 is basically the same machine as the Pro-Camel 24, but with an 18 inch wheel. The Pro-Camel 18 is a fast, high capacity machine capable of processing up to 400 pounds of placer sand per hour. It uses the same basic technology of gold separation as a traditional gold pan: Water, Motion, & Gravity. Because gold is so much heavier than the other material that it's found with, it can be easily separated from like sized material.

With a traditional gold pan, you create a slurry of water and material mixing it well to allow the gold to drop down to the bottom of the pan. You then slowly and carefully wash off the lighter material by dipping the edge of the pan in the water. The same basic principles are being applied with the Pro-Camel, but much faster and more efficiently than panning by hand.

The Pro-Camel's Aqua-Jet provides an ample water supply to the edge and bottom of the spiral wheel to create the slurry needed to allow the gold to separate from the other material. As it does, the gold is scooped up in the 15 spiral riffles and stays there because of the deep ""V"" design. As the wheel turns, the spray bar rinses the lighter material away allowing the gold to ride up the spirals.

When the gold drops into the second stage, any material tagging along for the ride is washed away allowing the clean gold to be deposited through the center hole of the wheel and into the gold catch cup hanging on the back of the machine. And, yes, when the base material is properly classified, meaning the relative size of the material being processed is the same, the Pro Camel 18 works just as well on recovering fine gold as it does on pickers and flakes!

Features of the Pro-Camel 18 Automatic Gold Panning Machine

•Unique 2-stage Spiral Wheel: 15 spiral riffles lead into an inset second stage of 5 additional spiral riffles. This innovative design increases gold recovery over the standard single stage wheels

•Exclusive Aqua-Jet technology ensures that the material stays in a slurry allowing the gold to drop out into the spirals

•Variable speed wheel control and adjustable water flow allows you to fine tune the Pro-Camel 18 to the material being processed

•The drive unit is gear driven and uses sealed ball bearings that allow it to run smoothly, quietly, and be energy efficient

•Dry Weight: 20 pounds •Powered by any 12-volt battery with at least 16 amps of output (not included)