
Canadian Armed Forces Naval Boarding Party Coveralls - Missing Zipper Tabs

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Canadian Armed Forces Issue

Naval Boarding Party Coveralls

As seen being worn by the Naval Boarding Party (NBP). The NBP is a boarding team comprised of trained sailors on board His Majesty’s Canadian Ships. Team members are full-time crew on board the ships who perform boarding party duties as a secondary duty. Naval Boarding Parties are used to conduct cooperative boarding operations in order to investigate lower-threat vessels of interest, such as merchant ships, and to work with deployed Naval Tactical Operations Group (NTOG) teams in supporting roles.


NSN: 8405-20-000-7320

Size: 7344/7340

Nato Size: 7080-0515

Contract: W8486-123399/001/PR-A

Contractor Name: Peerless Garments LP

Date Of Manufacture: 05/13


NOTE: The condition of the coverall is overall good no tear or wear, however it has a missing zipper tab but you can still zip the coverall up and down and the second zipper located down is stuck there so you only have one functioning zipper.