The Tactical Trauma Kit #3 is a very nice backpack with a lot of compartments for easy access to the contents. This backpack is designed and used by professionals, and is very comfortable to wear.
- Contains over 230 items: blood pressure cuff kit, cervical collar, pen light, suture sets, EFA-First Aid Book, 8 pairs of latex gloves
- abdominal pads, pain relievers, bandage strips, butterfly strips, knuckle bandages
- instant ice packs, EMT shears, stainless steel hemostats, tweezers, safety pins
- emergency blankets, hand sanitizer, calamine lotion, hand soap, After Bite wipes
- SAM/universal splint, elastic bandage, sterile sponges, tape-rolls-adhesive, BleedStop bandages
- eye pads, triangular bandages, scalpel handle/blades, stethoscope and much more.
- 18" x 10" x 11" and weights 11 lbs.