
German WWI Gewher 98 Sawback Gunner Bayonet - Quality Reproduction

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17 BK5213
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When you’re looking for high-quality, accurate militaria reproductions to add to your collection, this is the only place to be. The German WWI Gewher 98 Sawback Gunner Bayonet was used primarily by the German Pioneer troops during WWI and is the longest of the German issue bayonets of the time. Our authentic reproduction has a 20” high carbon iron blade with an aggressive sawback and the wooden handle scales are scored. The 25 1/2” overall length bayonet slides securely into a genuine black leather scabbard with black metal fittings.


  • When you’re looking for high-quality, accurate militaria reproductions to add to your collection, this is the only place to be
  • Our authentic reproduction has a 20” high carbon iron blade with an aggressive sawback and scored wooden handle scales
  • The 25 1/2” overall length bayonet slides securely into a genuine black leather scabbard with black metal fittings