
Guns & Coffee ™ "Fully Loaded" 100% Arabica Premium Coffee - "Standard Issue" Medium Roast / 1lb Sealed Bag

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Guns & Coffee ™ "Fully Loaded" 100% Arabica Premium Coffee - "Standard Issue" Medium Roast / 1lb Sealed Bag
The #1 Airsoft retailer is working with the #1 coffee roasting facility in the USA to introduce Guns & Coffee™. You owe it to yourself to try the best coffee in the world, especially if you love guns and you love coffee.

About Guns & Coffee™ Beans:
Roasted to order. Each part of the Guns & Coffee™ blend is roasted separately at the preferred temperature for the optimum length before it is blended together, ensuring maximum flavor. Guns & Coffee™ beans are slow roasted from the inside out, from low to high temperature to coax the natural oils. An infrared beam ensures high quality control in each batch confirming that the ideal temperature was reached. Once packaged, bags are double sealed but include a one-way gas release valve, guaranteeing that you get your coffee at peak freshness!

For the full Guns & Coffee™ experience, determine the appropriate grind and filter for your coffee brewer. Use two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water (15g of beans to 16oz water, if you're the technical type), or a pinch more if you like it stronger. Always begin with cold, filtered drinking water. For the hand drip brewing method, heat your water to a boil and pour slowly and evenly into the filter. Enjoy!


  • Made from 100% Arabica World's Top 2% Coffee Beans
  • Roasted in Alhambra, California
  • Roasted a few days before shipping. Drink them within two weeks for best flavor!
  • Losing energy? Brew up a cup or a pot of this amazing coffee
  • Optional upgrades include: donuts, cream, sugar, ice (upgrades sold separately)
  • Ships as whole beans, grinding required (Coffee Grinder not included)

Roast Type: Standard Issue, Full Body Medium Roast
Compatibility: For all coffee lovers
Roasted In: Alhambra, California
Weight: 1lb
Material: 100% Arabica Beans
Power: Caffeine (All natural caffeine included!)
Shelf Life: 4-6 weeks sealed, 5-7 days after opening

Manufacturer: Guns & Coffee ™


  • Guns & Coffee ™ beans are not perfect 6mm sphere in size, they cannot be used on an Airsoft gun. They are, however, 100% bio-degradable
  • Guns & Coffee ™ beans are high-end and may take away the spotlight from any other coffee you like
  • Guns & Coffee ™ beans are roasted a few days before shipping so be sure to drink them within two weeks for the best flavor

You may not like Guns & Coffee ™ if you:

  • Are not tactical
  • Don't like coffee
  • Don't know how to make coffee

Storing Guns & Coffee™:
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place (NOT your freezer). Keep beans away from light, air and extreme temperatures. (FYI the original bag works quite well as the airtight container)