Our Hand-Forged Viking Dining Set is a high-quality reproduction that makes a unique addition to a historical collection or as a reenactment accessory. Each piece of this handcrafted, historical reproduction dining set is one piece of rough-forged high carbon steel. The open-handle knife is 7 3/4” overall and it has a 4 1/2” razor-sharp blade; the skewer is 6 1/4” in overall length. The Viking dining set fits like a glove in a premium brown leather sheath, which has a leather throng for ease of carry and attachment.
- A high-quality reproduction that makes a unique addition to a historical collection or as a reenactment accessory
- Each piece of this handcrafted, historical reproduction dining set is one piece of rough-forged high carbon steel
- The open-handle knife is 7 3/4” overall and it has a 4 1/2” razor-sharp blade; the skewer is 6 1/4” in overall length
- The Viking dining set fits like a glove in a premium brown leather sheath, which has a leather throng for ease of carry and attachment