JG Ver. II High Silicon AEG Gearbox Wire & Switch Assembly with Fuse / Fuse box (Wiring to the front)
Version II Gearbox: M4 / M16 / 614 / S-System / G3 / MP5...ect are all Version 2 gearbox.
Manufacture: JG / APS / Matrix
Don't be fooled by the price, these wiring / switch assembly are rated to be one of the most reliable by technicians directly from JG manufacture. Many brands are known to have melting switch when the gearbox is abused, but not from JG brand right?
About JG
JG / Jing Gong (China) / ASP (Hong Kong) is among the world's largest Airsoft OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and pioneer for high quality Airsoft AEG rifles. With superb production capability, volume, and their close relationship positioned JG to provide the world market with great reliable products.