
Jigging Master UFO Yoyo Iron Jig for Rapid / Slow Jigging (Model: 260g #01)

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62839 (Jig-UFO-260g-01)
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  • An improved and redesigned version of the popular Shimano flat-fall jig
  • Japanese laser holographic film; anti-scratch / non-flaking surface treatment for long term use
  • Superior yoyo / vertical or surface retrieval action
  • One piece embedded "all the way through" wire / dual ring
  • Water ergonomic contoured body for going up and down the water column (Superior slow jigging / fast speed jigging performance actions)
  • 30% enhanced luminous glow effect for night time and deep sea (Exclude color #11)
  • Center balanced jig with optimized superior flat falling action
  • 3D eye and designer art looks and behaves like a squid and / or bait fish

*Select size and model above
The Jigging Master UFO Slow Jigging Irons are designed with many uses from slow jigging, rapid jigging, vertical jigging, and flat falling yoyo actions. Cast the jig and let it fall while free spooling to wait for the bite, then jerk and repeat. The center balanced jig falls with a wobbling action in a horizontal position into the strike zone, both going up and down the water column. Designed entice even the pickiest fish for improving your strike rate.
New and improved 30% enhanced luminous effect for increased bite rate even in the deep sea where light is lacking or does not exist. Available in 14 colors and various weights to ensure that you are ready no matter what fish are biting. From rock fish to large blue fine tuna, the UFO jigs prove to be effective time and time again. This is the go-to lure for you in strong daylight conditions when the fish are hitting surface lures, chasing bait, or those monsters lurking in the deep.

Model: Jigging Master UFO Jig
Color: #1
QTY: 1
Weight: 260g / 8.8 oz

Manufacturer: Jigging Master