The Turbopan is the next evolution in gold pan technology. The Turbopan eliminates the problem of compaction that happens in the traditional "Klondike" style gold pan because it is basically a circular sluice. Turbopan doesn't require running water like a sluice, it simply maximizes the effects of gravity. Its shallow depth means it can be used in puddles and troughs. And its unique color lets you easily see the gold, even when panning in black sand!
Increase your chances of finding gold while saving time. The Turbopan is currently available as a 16 inch (40cm) diameter model.
"A CIRCULAR SLUICE" Perfect for use in areas where a stream sluice is not allowed or is unavailable. Use it to rapidly generate heavy concentrates and do your final separation at home.
The Turbopan was designed by Kim Hillier, an Australian geologist and prospector with over 20 years experience in mineral exploration and gold prospecting. His first experience with gold pans was using traditional steel "Klondike" pans, as well as plastic gold pans, whilst doing panned concentrate sampling surveys for alluvial and hard rock gold.
The process of panning down samples was slow and the results highly variable, depending on the skill and enthusiasm of the panner. He found that compaction of black sands often stopped gold getting right to the bottom of the pan, and it could be lost if the panner wasn't careful. It was also a slow process!
He saw a need for a pan that would require a lot less technique, was easy for beginners to use, and could reduce a load of dirt quickly – whilst being cheap enough to be available to all budget sizes.